Assault with a Deadly Weapon


Assault with a Deadly Weapon Defense Attorney

Assault with a deadly weapon is a serious charge, and it requires an aggressive defense. You should speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney who handles assault with a deadly weapon cases to guide you through this difficult process. Criminal defense attorney George Altgelt is not afraid to challenge prosecutors. From the outset, he will work tirelessly in an effort to get the charges against you dismissed or reduced.

At the Altgelt Law Office, we are committed to fighting for your rights and will conduct a thorough investigation of your case, running criminal background checks on both your accuser and the prosecutor’s witnesses, questioning eyewitnesses, obtaining video surveillance footage, interviewing experts, and creating a record of all communication between you and your accuser.

No one should face such consequences without the benefit of a defense that has the experience and skill necessary to overcome a prosecutor’s case against him or her.

A charge of assault with a deadly weapon exposes you to the risks of a criminal record, large fines, and jail time.

Schedule a Free Criminal Case Evaluation Today

Evoke your right to remain silent when questioned by authorities. Schedule your confidential consultation today by calling (956) 725-4400 or by completing the online form.

Free Criminal Case Evaluation

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