Sex Offenses


Sex Offenses

Sex offenses, such as sexual assault and rape, are severe crimes in Texas that can result in imprisonment, fines, and a lifetime of being required to register as a sex offender. If you have been accused of a sex offense in Texas, it is important to seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Several defenses may be available to individuals charged with sex offenses in Texas. One defense is that the individual did not commit the crime. This can occur if the individual has an alibi or if there is evidence that the individual was not present at the time and place the crime was committed.

Another defense is that the individual was falsely accused. Individuals are not uncommon to be falsely accused of sex offenses, often due to misunderstandings or personal conflicts. If the individual can present evidence to support their innocence, such as witness testimony or physical evidence, it may be possible to have the charges against them dismissed.

It is also possible to defend against sex offense charges by challenging the alleged victim’s credibility. If the alleged victim has a history of making false allegations or has the motive to lie about the incident, it may be possible to raise doubt about their credibility.

If you have been accused of a sex offense in Laredo Texas, it is essential to seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. The Altgelt Firm can help you understand your legal options and develop a defense strategy to protect your rights and freedom. It is important to keep in mind that sex offenses are highly sensitive and complex cases, and it is important to have a lawyer who is dedicated to protecting your rights and reputation. For a free consultation call (956) 725-4400.

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