Recent Wins Results You Can Rely on
With Our Premiere Criminal Defense Attorney On Your Side
Not Guilty Criminal Defense Verdict
Client is accused of murder and attempted murder is found not guilty. After five hours of deliberation, the jury returned a not guilty verdict.
Sentence Reduced Criminal Defense Verdict
Our client's sentencing for murder was successfully reduced from 99 years to 10.
Sentence Reduced Criminal Defense Verdict
We successfully defended our client, who had been previously convicted of murder, and got his 50-year sentence reduced to 20.
Payment Options We Provide
You have multiple options for how to pay for your legal service, which include cash, check, credit or debit card, and installment loans. For your convenience, we are making Affirm available to you. Affirm allows clients to pay for services over time in fixed amounts without deferred interest, hidden fees, or penalties. Neither our office nor any employee have a financial relationship with Affirm, nor do we receive any compensation for providing you with this information. You must carefully consider your ability to repay before taking any loan.
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