Firearm Crimes


Firearm Crimes Defense Attorney

Both the federal and state constitutions provide that the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed. However, there are many laws that limit where you can carry guns and other weapons and how you can use them. You can face criminal charges if you don’t abide by these restrictions.

Any gun charge is a serious issue because a conviction for a weapons or firearms charge may result in a lengthy prison sentence and an expensive fine, as well as a permanent criminal record. 

The use of a firearm during the commission of a crime elevates the seriousness of the underlying crime and often forms the basis for additional charges in both state and federal courts.

Criminal laws define numerous gun-related charges, such as:

  • Criminal possession of a firearm
  • Criminal sale of a firearm
  • Criminal use of a firearm
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Arms trafficking
  • Possession of a firearm on school grounds
  • Carrying an unlicensed pistol or handgun

We understand the importance of taking aggressive legal action to protect our clients from the harsh consequences of a weapons crime conviction. We have successfully defended hundreds of clients against criminal charges and are prepared to stand up for your rights.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Today

If you have been charged with a firearms violation or other weapons offense, or if you have been charged with any crime, which also includes the possession, display, or use of a handgun or other weapon, contact our law office at (956) 725-4400 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Free Criminal Case Evaluation

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